Apple watch will be released on April 24 in Shanghai.

Apple launched its new smart watch on Monday, with a couple of nods toward China.

“Apple Watch is the most personal device we have ever created – it’s not just with you, it’s on you,” Tim Cook said.

“Since what you wear is an expression of who you are, we designed Apple Watch to appeal to a whole variety of people with different tastes and different preferences.”

The watch will be available for preorder on April 10, and will reach consumers in Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, the UK and US on April 24.

It comes in two sizes, with the Sport model priced at $349 and $399 and the midrange version starting at $549. The high-end Apple Watch Edition starts at $10,000.

Obviously, you can see a long line in front of Apple Store in Shanghai on April 24.

Do you know what is “Apple Watch” called in Chinese?

The answer is “苹果手表(ping2 guo3 shou3 biao3)” or ”苹果智能手表(ping2 guo3 zhi4 neng2 shou3 biao3)“ .